City of Dreams

This performance-installation project adapted a work and methodology developed by London director Peter Reder and sound designer Tom Wallace.

A map of Vancouver was created from hundreds of found objects assembled during performance and underscored by a soundscape composed from recorded oral testimonies, and environmental and archival materials.

The project envisioned Vancouver’s past and present, its real and imagined topographies: a city assembled from shards of memory and myth.


Director: Peter Reder
Sound design: Tom Wallace
Lighting design: Kyla Gardiner
Stage management: Noa Anatot
Creators and performers: Michael Clague, Alexander Ferguson, Caleb Johnston, Melanie Kuxdorf, Lisa Ravensbergen, Igor Santizo, Hazel Venzon, Maiko Bae Yamamoto
Technical director: Jayson Mclean
Producer/research director: Caleb Johnston