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C.Johnston and G.Pratt, Migration in Performance: Crossing the Colonial Present. (London and New York: Routledge, 2019).

Journal Articles

C.Johnston and G.Pratt, ‘Automating adult social care in the UK: Extracting value from a crisis’, Geoforum, 2024, 151, 103997.

C.Johnston and J.Bagelman in conversation with Jennifer Tosch, ‘Relearning black presence in Amsterdam through guided tours: Teaching beyond the classroom’, cultural geographies, 2024, epub ahead of press.

G.Pratt, C.Johnston and K.Johnson, ‘Robots and care of the aging private self’, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 55(8), 2023, pp. 2051-2066.

C.Katz, C.Johnston and G.Pratt, ‘In the wake of the pandemic, Reworking the labors of care’, in D.Eisenberg and E.Rothenberg (eds), Reworking Labor (Chicago: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Galleries, 2023).

A.Miramonti, L.Fontana and C.Johnston, ‘Forum Theatre for Reconciliation: A drama-based approach to conflict transformation applied to socio-environmental struggles in Bolivia’, Peacebuilding, 2024, epub ahead of print.

L.Fontana, C.Johnston and A.Miramont, ‘Women in Wildfire Crises: Exploring Lived Experiences of Conflict through Forum Theatre’, Studies in Social Justice 2023, 17(2), pp.269-279.

A.Cole, L.Fontana, M.Hirzel, C.Johnston and A.Miramonti, ‘On burning ground: Theatre of the Oppressed and ecological crisis in Bolivia’, cultural geographies 30(4), 2023, pp. 639-648.

C.Johnston and A.Holland, ‘Picturing these days of love and rage: XR’s impossible rebellion’, cultural geographies, 30(2), 2023, pp. 315-323.

C.Johnston and G.Pratt, ‘Speculating on crisis: Creating a market for dementia care in Thailand’, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 112(7), 2022, pp. 2064-2079.

C.Johnston and J.Winders, ‘What does in practice mean?’, cultural geographies, 2022, 29(1), pp. 129-130.

G.Pratt and C.Johnston, ‘Dementia care for Europeans in Thailand: A geography of futures’, American Behavioral Scientist, 66(14), 2022, pp. 1880-1895.

G.Pratt and C.Johnston, ‘Dementia, infrastructure failure and new relations of care in Thailand’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 2021, 46(3), pp. 526-539.

C.Johnston and G.Pratt, ‘Travelling intimacies, translation and betrayal in a creative geography’,  cultural geographies, 28(2), 2021, pp. 417-428.

Pratt, S.Zell, C.Johnston and H.Venzon, ‘Performing Nanay in Winnipeg: Filipino labour migration to Canada’, Studies in Social Justice, 14(1), 2020, pp. 55-66.

K.Johnson, G.Pratt and C.Johnston, ‘Filipinos settle in the Canadian North: Unsettling a gendered frontier’, Gender, Place and Culture, 26(5), 2019, pp. 680-699.

C.Johnston, ‘An artful civic disruption in Vancouver’, Studies in Social Justice 11(2), 2018, pp. 318-326

C.Johnston and G.Pratt, ‘Tlingpino Bingo, settler colonialism and other futures’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 35(6), 2017, pp. 971-993.

Pratt, C.Johnston and V.Banta, ‘A traveling script: Labour migration, precarity and performance’, The Drama Review, 61(2), 2017, pp. 48-70

G.Pratt and C.Johnston, ‘Crossing oceans: Testimonial theatre, Filipina migrant labour, empathy and engagement’, GeoHumanities, 3(2), 2017, pp. 279-291.

G.Pratt, C.Johnston and V.Banta, ‘Lifetimes of disposability and surplus entrepreneurs in Bagong Barrio, Manila’, Antipode, 49(1), 2017, pp. 169-192.

G.Pratt, C.Johnston and V.Banta, ‘Filipina migrant stories and trauma in the transnational field’, Emotion, Space and Society, 24, 2017, pp. 83-92.

G.Pratt and C.Johnston, ‘Filipina domestic workers, violent insecurity, testimonial theatre and transnational ambivalence’, Area, 46(4), 2014, pp. 15-17. (Special issue on Intimacy, Geopolitics and Violence, edited by R Pain and L Staeheli).

C.Johnston and H.Lorimer, ‘Sensing the city’, cultural geographies, 21(4), 2014, pp. 673-680. (Special issue on Excursions – Telling Stories and Journeys).

C.Johnston and D.Bajrange, ‘Street theatre as democratic politics in Ahmedabad’, Antipode, 46 (2), 2014, pp. 455-476.

C.Johnston, ‘Politics in the informalizing metropolis: displacement and uneasy negotiations in uncivil Ahmedabad’, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38(2), 2014, pp. 539-557.

C.Johnston, ‘A felt geography’, The Geographical Review, 103(2), 2013, pp. 153-161.

G.Pratt and C.Johnston, ‘Staging testimony in Nanay’, Geographical Review, 103(2), 2013, pp. 288-303.

Johnston, ‘The political art of patience: Adivasi resistance in India’, Antipode, 44(4), 2012, pp. 1268-1286.

C.Johnston, ‘City of Dreams: Staging an urban imaginary’, Canadian Theatre Review, 148, 2011, pp. 32-37. (Special issue on Artists and Communities, edited by K Renders, J Salverson, and J Stephenson).

C.Johnston and G.Pratt, ‘Nanay (Mother): A testimonial play’, cultural geographies, 17(1), 2010, pp. 123-133.

G.Pratt and C.Johnston, ‘Translating research into theatre: Nanay: a testimonial play’, BC Studies, 163, 2009, pp. 123-132. Reprinted in J Salverson (Ed.) Popular Political Theatre and Performance. (Toronto: University of Toronto, 2010).

G.Pratt and C.Johnston, ‘Turning theatre into law, and other spaces of politics’, cultural geographies, 14(1), 2007, pp.92-113.

C.Johnston, ‘Field note: Ahmedabad, India’, Women’s Studies Quarterly, 34 (1/2), 2006, pp. 235-38. (Special issue on the Global and the Intimate, edited by G Pratt and V Rosner).

Book Chapters

C.Johnston and G.Pratt, ‘Taking Nanay to the Philippines: transnational circuits of affect’, in E.Hurley (ed), Theatres of Affect (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014), pp. 192-212.

G.Pratt and C.Johnston, in collaboration with the Philippine Women Centre of BC, ‘Nanay (Mother): a testimonial play’, in E.Hurley (ed), Once More, With Feeling: Six Affecting Plays (Toronto: University of Toronto Press), pp. 49-90.

C.Johnston, ‘Accommodation politics. Translated into Marathi’, in S.Karogal (ed), Saath Saal-ki Baat (The Story of Sixty Years) (Pune: Padma Gandha, 2012).

G.Pratt and C.Johnston, ‘Putting play to work’, in, A.Tickell, E.Sheppard, J.Peck and T.Barnes (eds), Politics and Practices in Economic Geography (London: Sage, 2007), pp. 71-81.

Invited Lectures and Conference Papers 

2023 Emerging horizons of care technologies in the UK. Deutscher Kongress fur Geographie, Frankfurt.

2023 Automating social care: public-private partnerships and the creation of the UK digital care market. American Association of Geographers, Denver.

2022 Screening of City of Long Stay with panel discussion. Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Newcastle.

2022 Playing with wildfire, a photo exhibition. Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), Newcastle.

2021 Dementia care for Europeans in Thailand: A geography of futures. Nanyang Technological University, School of Social Science, Singapore.

2021 A crisis of care in the global north, and new relations of transnational dementia care in Thailand. School of Earth, Environment and Society, McMaster University, Canada.

2021 Living laboratories of crisis: gerontechnologies in long-term care homes. Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), London.

2021 New intimacies of dementia care beyond the familiar. Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).

2020 Relational comparison and communities of care across the Global South and North. Keynote for Transnational Relations, Ageing and Care: Asian Connections and Beyond, National University of Singapore.

2019 Authors meet critics on Migration in Performance: Crossing the Colonial Present. (Panellists: Lieba Faier, John Catungal, Rachel Pain, Sarah de Leeuw, Alison Mountz, Tadiar Neferti). American Association of Geographers, Washington.

2018 Unsettling scripts of disposability. Urbanisation, Planning and Development cluster, London School of Economics, London.

2017 Playing games of chance in the Canadian North. Performing Urgency: Space, Performance and Politics. Nordic Geographers Meeting, Stockholm.

2017 Ethnographic performances and games of change in the decolonizing present. Keynote for Society and Space at the annual conference of the American Association of Geographers, Boston.

2017 Tlingipino Bingo: performing solidarity across indigenous and Filipino immigrant experiences of state violence. Reimagining Creative Economy. University of Alberta, Edmonton.

2017 Testimonial Theatre and the geopolitics of trauma and empathy. University of Leeds.

2016 Performing precarity in Bagong Barrio. Annual Meeting of Institute of British Geographers (with IBG), London (Presenter and convenor).

2016 Life-times and spaces of disposability in Bagong Barrio, Metro Manila. Social Geographies of Urban Abandonment. American Association of Geographers, San Francisco.

2016 Urban crisis: resistances, opportunities and co-optation. (Convenor) University of Edinburgh.

2015 Who saved the city? Exploring urban activisms in times of austerity in North America and Europe and Beyond. University of Edinburgh (Convenor), Edinburgh.

2015 Performance as transnational and scholarly inquiry: migrant labour and urban dispossession. Canadian Association of Geographers, Vancouver.

2014 Theatre, politics and the impossible ethic. Keynote talk for the Participatory Geographies Research Group. Annual Meeting of Institute of British Geographers (with IBG), London.

2014 Transnational affects in the space of theatre. Centre for the History of Emotions, University of London, Queen Mary, London.

2014 The political work of feelings. Migration and Intimate Life. Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network, University of Glasgow, Glasgow.

2013 Working with documentary theatre. Department of Speech and Communication, Department of Geography, The University of the Philippines, Manila.

2013 Emotions on the move. New Frontiers of Geographical Knowledge and Practice? RGS-IBG.

2013 Circulating discourses of suffering across national contexts. Institutional Spaces of Pain, Suffering and Trauma. Emotional Geographies, Groningen.

2013 Circulating suffering: part two. Institutional Spaces of Pain, Suffering and Trauma [redux]. Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles.

2013 Translating research into testimonial theatre. Green College, University of British Columbia.

2012 Performing Nanay. Special Session, Annual Meeting of the RGS-IBG, Edinburgh.
